While using the auto mode, the program will take control of your mouse.Repeat step 2 for every artifact you wish to manually scan.While it has the information about all tiers of artifacts, it may be unable to read some lower tier ones

The scanner is mainly tested for 4 and 5 star artifacts.Select the artifact you wish to scan and press the Read Stats button.Do not move the game window and do not cover the captured area while scanning
Genshin artifact how to#
Genshin artifact manual#
You're now ready for manual or automatic artifact scanning Manual scanning There is an equivalent setting for Wanderer name.Not entering this will cause any scanned artifacts that are equipped on your Traveler to be incorrectly detected as either equipped on the wrong character or not equipped at all.Enter your in-game name / traveler name in the Traveler Name text box.Make sure the preview matches the good example, if it doesn't, try moving your camera around a bit in-game to change the background and repeat again from step 2.Open the artifact section on your main backpack and select a 5 star artifact with a full length item description.Fullscreen mode works, but requires the Advanced -> Process handle features setting to be enabled ( Enabled by default).Other aspect ratios and resolutions are likely to work, but not tested to the same degree.

Genshin artifact update#

To my knowledge, nobody has gotten in trouble for the use of this or similar programs so far, but if you're worried about it I suggest avoiding the auto mode.

Please read instructions below before using. OCR-based inventory scanner for Genshin Impact, with both a manual and automatic mode.